9 Episode Video
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9 Episode Audio
Get in on the latest research, studies, and warnings about how to use these substances properly. (And see if they’re even right for you…)
Own this exclusive release in its entirety.
Why would anybody try psychedelics? Aren’t those bad for you?
Or, is that untrue… based on thousands of years of experience that say otherwise?
Watch Episode One and see good people share, in their own words, how modern medicine and science cannot explain—or even describe—the unbelievable outcomes of their personal guided psychedelic experiences.
Welcome to the New Age… where guided sessions of psychedelics are appreciated for healing people physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in ways modern medicine simply cannot match.
Watch as a minister, a practitioner, and regular people like you and me discuss their real-life experiences with honesty and candor.
What do a scientist, a politician, and a doctor have in common?
Unexpected results from psychedelic experiences, that’s what!
Watch miracles unfold as you discover what happens when people stop just “managing the symptoms” …
And experience true healing.
Studies show the incredible power of psychedelics, used under proper supervision and in the right way, to change lives for the better. So why is this type of therapy not “Standard Practice” in medicine today?
How can psychedelics help with abuse? And… can psychedelics help people recover from substance abuse? It sounds counterintuitive… but wait until you see what’s revealed in this episode.
Finally, watch as Dan Engle and Meghan Pearson share their personal experiences… you’ll be blown away!
Modern medicine has had hit-or-miss (mostly miss) results in curing patients with eating disorders, severe childhood abuse, and PTSD flashbacks… until now.
And the answer isn’t a “new” modern invention… It’s ancient!
Plus: There are many paths to enlightenment, and many different ways to experience it. Psychedelics… Prayer… Hard work… Even Dance!
Psychedelics aren’t for everybody.
Not everyone is ready for an awakening; a confrontation. How can you tell if they’re for you? And if you do try them, which ones should you start with?
Watch reluctant people find out what works and what doesn’t for themselves and their friends, family, and clients.
What are distinguished professors, researchers, and practitioners discovering about psychedelics?
Not only healing, but the power and influence of intention, ceremony, ritual, and the sacred…
What would you do if your doctors told you, “Go home. Wait. Hope it gets better?” Spoiler alert: It didn’t! See what happens when you take healing into your own hands.
This is a Must-Watch episode!
Your Marriage: So… how are things? Watch an athlete, an author, and a couple talk about how their relationships were dramatically affected by psychedelics.
Plus, is it possible for a Christian to believe that psychedelics aren’t evil? That they could actually be… God-given? Watch and see…
What if healing effects don’t happen immediately? What if the effects of psychedelics actually continue to unfold over time?
And, are the effects of one or two sessions really long-term, or do they quickly fade away?
A month after their psychedelic sessions, listen to the group talk about where they are now and how their experiences affect their lives today.